We at AASIP Technologies are a team of people passionate about solving complexity. We believe in consolidating our
knowledge and expertise to simplify communications and enhance our customers’ experiences. To us, great relationships come from
trusted, committed engagements and unique collaborations. We’re excited to work with you, understand you, learn about you
and in the process “simplify the complex world of SiP integrations” across distinctly different environments,
from legacy to cloud!
We are all about elevating SIP experience across diverse environments
We demand more and more from our networks to successfully conduct our business, buy-side needs access to more tools, EMS, OMS, strategies &
algorithms, and also to monitor for validation and alerts. Liquidity and price discovery have further spurred the need for secure networks.
Propriety analytics, alerts, and market research, data that need to be transported, add to the bandwidth requirement.
Most enterprise today operate a complex and hybrid set of solutions including Audio /video conferencing , Traditional PBX / Switches IVR & Contact center systems and Unified Communications systems sourced from multiple vendors. These systems are often managed discretely with ongoing challenges around Integration and interoperability. To successfully manage and optimize this complex environment, you need a new architectural approach that makes disparate on-premise systems and carrier services operate in harmony. AASIP new and innovative Solution offerings establishes a vendorneutral layered architecture that dramatically simplifies operations, strengthens security and enables rapid adoption of new technologies